February 6, 2023

Do you know what are the benefits of Salicylic Acid?

Dr. Lisette Pappaterra

February 6, 2023

Salicylic acid is a compound that has been used in skin care since our grandmothers' times and continues to this day.

What are its properties and benefits? Here I leave you the most relevant ones.

💧 Renews and softens the skin: thanks to its exfoliating action, it regulates sebum and helps to obtain a smoother touch and improves pimples, warts or scars.

💧 Cleanses the skin in depth: penetrates to remove accumulated dirt below the surface of the skin thanks to its antibacterial properties.

💧 Remove points black and blackheads with their comedolytic properties.

💧 Prevents pore clogging by removing dead cells from the face due to its keratolytic effect.

💧 Helps deflate pimples so they heal sooner as it has anti-inflammatory properties.

💧 Fight stains, unify tone, bring luminosity and whiten skin thanks to its depigmenting action.

💧 Visibly reduces wrinkles, stimulates the production of collagen and elastic fibers of the skin, helping to fill wrinkles.

☝️♦️ Of course it's not a product for all skins, but they can be combined to get the ideal result, always from the hand of an expert.

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