
The low capillary density laser is used to maintain the hair health and prevent hair loss. It’s very effective at treating the first symptoms of alopecia.

This treatment works to hide those visible scars derived from other surgical procedures, accidents, radiation, burns, etc.


The procedure consists of taking the follicles from the area of the neck or from the area designated as the donor area, the grafts are formed, micro perforations are made in the area to be transplanted (scar) where the grafts are placed one by one, obtaining excellent results.

The eyebrow transplant procedure is basically similar to that of a common baldness, by making micro perforations in the area to be transplanted (eyebrow) where the grafts are placed one by one.


The eyebrow procedure is similar to the common baldness procedure. The hair is taken from the neck or donor area and transplanted through micro-perforations. The grafts are placed one by one, with the objective of delinerating, populating or increasing the density.

The grafts must be placed at a very acute angle (inclined), they must be grafts of a single hair and the shape of the eyebrow must be correct to form or repopulate it.

The procedure of microtransplantation in beard, mustache and others is basically the same as common baldness. The hair is taken from the area of the neck or from the designated donor area where grafts are obtained.


Micro perforations are made in the area where we want to transplant this hair and the grafts are placed one by one, with excellent results. Once the transplanted hair grows, it can be cut, shaved, etc. without any special care.

This hair will continue to grow throughout life and aesthetically it looks as it was always there, a totally natural look. At capmed we have many years of experience in this type of procedure, this is important because the natural direction and angle of hair growth, the size of the graft, the design, etc. must be taken into account. as well as the specialty of the Doctor who is going to perform it.

Hair transplantation with the FUE technique or microtransplantation is a procedure that is currently the best worldwide to permanently correct baldness, since this transplanted hair will grow throughout life, it no longer falls.

This technique can be performed on men or women, and consists of systematically and artistically distributing the follicular units. These follicular units can be groups of 1, 2, 3 or 4 follicles as they are naturally determined.

The grafts are obtained with local anesthesia from the posterior area, the neck, (what we call the donor area) and, after carefully preparing them under the microscope, they are placed in the area of baldness, taking into account the specific design for each patient and the natural angle and direction of growth of each hair, so that when it grows it does so with a totally natural and undetectable appearance.

How to know if you are a good candidate fot the FUE Technique.

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