
Salicylic acid is a compound that has been used in skin care since our grandmothers' times and continues to this day.

What are its properties and benefits? Here I leave you the most relevant ones.

💧 Renews and softens the skin: thanks to its exfoliating action, it regulates sebum and helps to obtain a smoother touch and improves pimples, warts or scars.

💧 Cleanses the skin in depth: penetrates to remove accumulated dirt below the surface of the skin thanks to its antibacterial properties.

💧 Remove points black and blackheads with their comedolytic properties.

💧 Prevents pore clogging by removing dead cells from the face due to its keratolytic effect.

💧 Helps deflate pimples so they heal sooner as it has anti-inflammatory properties.

💧 Fight stains, unify tone, bring luminosity and whiten skin thanks to its depigmenting action.

💧 Visibly reduces wrinkles, stimulates the production of collagen and elastic fibers of the skin, helping to fill wrinkles.

☝️♦️ Of course it's not a product for all skins, but they can be combined to get the ideal result, always from the hand of an expert.

Antioxidants help protect cells from free radical attack, which can cause skin inflammation, damage the dermis, and in some cases lead to the premature appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, and other signs of aging. Apart from following a cosmetic routine that includes products that contain them, it is important to also keep them present in our diet through foods like these.

Here are some of the main ones, so you don't forget to include them daily.

Vitamin A or Retinol is a super oxidant. Reduces skin blemishes and corrects acne marks, providing a young and radiant appearance. It is present in full-fat dairy and some fortified foods.

It is a derivative of soybeans. This inhibits UV radiation damage, as well as its consequences on the dermis: spots, inflammation and wrinkles.

Vitamin E
Promotes collagen production, thus helping to reduce and blur expression lines and spots caused by age. It is present in seeds, nuts or goji berries.

Vitamin C
It is good in the treatment of wrinkles, lack of luminosity or elimination of skin blemishes. It can also increase the natural production of collagen, reduce discolorations and reinforce the protective barrier of the dermis.

Protects against UVB rays. Promotes collagen production, and prevents premature aging of the skin. It is found in foods such as grapes, nuts, blueberries, or red wine.

It has anti-inflammatory and anti-blemish properties, helps improve skin texture and tone, while fighting expression lines.

Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B, present in white meat, fish, liver, whole grains and others.

Integrate them into your diet and tell me how it goes.

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