Welcome to CAPMED

Experts in hair transplant

We offer unique services to give you back the desired hair, from medical hair treatments to hair transplantation. Don’t hesitate to restore the health and the natural look of your hair.

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Professional profile

Dr. Lisette Pappaterra

Exclusively dedicated to hair transplant. Highly trained in the field of hair surgery in different parts of the world with prestigious doctors of great worldwide recognition.

She is the Medical and Surgical Director of the Capillary Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine Clinic (Capmed). Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine of the Pontificia Universidad Madre y Maestra.

Master in Transplantation and Hair Medicine from the Alcalá de Henares University in Madrid, one of the few universities worldwide where the master degree is taught, having the opportunity to collaborate with the most recognized spanish doctors in the field.

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Hair transplant

What is the FUE technique?

Its greatest attraction is that it does not leave a linear scar, which allows a short haircut.

It is currently the best procedure to correct baldness

With FUE transplantation, the donor hair grows, moves and feels the way the original hair used to in the recipient area.

It is a simple and effective technique.

It consists of individual extraction of hair follicles from various areas, normally from the back and side of the scalp. Subsequently, once the follicular units are obtained, they are prepared and selected under a microscope to later implant them properly in the areas of alopecia or baldness.

Permanent results

As the transplanted hair does not contain the genetic code for baldness, they do not tend to fall out, and therefore continue to grow normally, being the result of the transplant stable and long-lasting.

6 Reasons

To choose CAPMED

We use certified products in our work

More than 20 types of hair procedures

Professionals trained in the area

Impeccable service with unique professional touch.

We guarantee an effective treatment

Personalized consultations

Our way of working

We provide unique and specialized care in the area. From how to get there, stay, complete pre and post surgical process.
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Check our hair restoration procedures.

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We make sure the accommodations are the most convenient for you.

Enjoy your results

At CAPMED we are committed to your satisfaction.

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Before and After Gallery

Get acquainted with the works of our hair surgeon Dra Lisette Pappaterra. All procedures are performed by her and her highly qualified team.

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